Mt.NASU / Mt.Asahi Autumn Collection 2022

I have climbed Mt. Nasu and Mt. Asahi this fall.
Here is a record of my climb.
The day was sunny and pleasant.
We enjoyed climbing the mountain while eating snacks along the way.

I put on my Montbell climbing shoes and off we go.

The mountains are ready for fall.

On this day, Mt. Nasu was crowded with climbers.
Many people were aiming for the summit.

Here we are above the clouds, and below is the cityscape of Kuroiso.
The air is very good.

Although at a higher elevation, there were crows.

The rocks had collapsed and become a path.
There was a sign warning of falling rocks, and we felt it was dangerous.

The sky was clear, but clouds began to appear along the way.
From a photographic point of view, I am glad to have clouds because it makes for a more fantastic and beautiful picture.

A flat area known as the “Asahinokata”
This is where we will take a break.
200 meters from here is the summit of Mt.

Walk carefully in the chain-link area or you will slip and die.
It is a very scary point.

Photography Equipment
- Camera:FUJIFILM X-T4
- Lens:XF18-135mmF3.5-5.6 R LM OIS WR、XF100-400mmF4.5-5.6 R LM OIS WR
- Developing:Adobe Photoshop camera RAW(2023)